Thursday, October 30, 2008

sometimes you don't choose the Music, it chooses you.

pushed against a pack of people
good vibes collide above
with that hold their neon lighters
that sway with every shove
the lights that shine from every angle
paint us all another color
memories squared so easily
with flashes from a shutter
but my eyes zoom in on only him
his melodies push through me
rippling through an anxious crowd
that only he can see
the screams and shoves they get so high
while the sky lifts the moon
but Dark Blue hints that you and I
are alone in a crowded room
so let those hammers hit those strings
like a beat synching with my heart
cause this time i didn't choose the music
he stole me from the start

october 2001
forever & ever
my hero.
  • Spinning - Jack's Mannequin

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

you gotta be crazy to stay sane*

in no interest of respected consciousness, i noticed that the sun defined the edges of the passenger vehicles a little more sharply, magnifying my awareness yet blinding me simultaneously. oh, the irony. but that's just fine because i was lost in the soundwaves of liner notes anyway. i looked around and i realized i wasn't alone, at least in the panoramic sense. but i was surrounded on that ribbon of black asphalt, this continuous journey. the exits belonged to different people the lanes were home to many at a time. together, we maintained the flow and the edges seemed to smooth over. we were all connected in this crazy kind of mixed-up sense. but you gotta be crazy to stay sane.maybe not when you're driving.
oh well, somebody raise the volume.